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Sunday, March 19, 2006

James的基本分析: 关于一个股票的FA (ZT )

关于一个股票的FA,过于复杂, 非三言两语能概括. 简单的说, 无非是对一个公司的 历史, 现状及发展前途, 公司的财务, 运营, 管理, 市场占有状况, 华尔街对该公 司的评价及看 法等有尽可能的了解. 很笼统的说, 的可从如下几方面著手.


1. 债务状况. DEBT/EQUITY RATIO. 反映每股所承受的长期债务. 也反映公司的资本来源 是股资还是贷款. 其实债务高并不一定坏. 如运营得当, 反映LEVERAGE 高. 反而是好事. 所以这一数据是中性的. (不同行业,不同RATING也许还可以这么说,但同行的比如RRI,CPN当然低的好) (也不一定越低越好。完全取决于credit rating和profit margin。如果gross profit/ gross asset比例高,又没有信用危机的话,应该是债务越多越爽)

2. 股票发行数/MARKET CAP. 对公司的市值的了解, 有助于决策.

3. P/E RATIO, EARNING /PER SHARE. 这是指 股价与 盈利之比.

4. REVENUE/PER SHARE. 每股的营业额反映公司的运营. 如营业额高, 就说明公司还有市 场. 起死回生的希望较大. 但很重要的是看营业额的变化. 如营业额一直下降, 就很危险 . 但若营业额在上升, 或没有大的下降, 说明公司元气未伤. 毕竟NET INCOME 可从减少 开销上取得. 只要LAY OFF 一些人, 就可做到.

(其中有诈的多了!电力,能源公司的WASHTRADE !ENE的SPE,ELN的类似SPE的东西,CA的BUYOUT)

5. BOOK/PER SHARE. 与 BOOK VALUE 常常合用. 指每一股相对蕴含有多少固定及流动资 产. 理论上讲, 这是公司财产超出偿付义务(LIABILITY)的部分. 公司万一破产, 股票持 有人还能分多少钱. 另一方面, 也可反映公司潜在的被收购的可能性. 所以这一数据常被 用为一个股票作辩护的依据.

但这个数据经常有诈. 不做深入研究是看不出来的. 个中情形可另写一篇文章. (有的公司ASSET还没有反应全,反应过低,比如RRI,CPN,有的ASSET反映过高WMB,CPN,RRI,DYN因为ASSET会有贬值,要看10Q)

6. CURRENT RATIO (Current assets divided by current liabilities from the most recent quarter). 是在本季资产与应付帐额比. 反映当前公司的财务健康状况. (YAHOO根本就是儿戏,不要相信,要看10Q)

7. INTEREST COVERAGE. 这是最近12个月税前利息前盈利 (EBIT)与12个月利息之比. 反 映一个公司偿付利息的能力及利率负担. 如果是负数, 则这个公司一定会有再贷款的问题 .

8. MANAGEMENT EFFICIENCY. 包括人均产值及人均盈利. 如两项都是正数, 则公司还很健 康. 问题出在营业以外别的地方. 这种公司, 很少债权人会让他垮台. 大多数PENNY STOCK 公司的第二项是负数. 说明公司效率不高. 可能由很多因素造成. 就要根据其它因 素来定了.

9. PRICE/CASH FLOW RATIO. 这一项指标可以替代P/E. 是用当前股价除以每股的现金流 入. 如是正数, 越小越好. 与P/E 无异. 但比PE更管用

10. DIVIDENDS. 仅管在今天很少公司分发DIVIDEND, 这有税务上的考虑. 但发放DIVIDEND, 或有发放DIVIDEND历史的公司, 都会受到青睐. (发div的公司并不少,另外还要注意有一些公司会以stock buy back program来代替 dividend,比如INTC和DELL,好处是长期持有该股票的股东不用为div付税)

11. PRICE/EARNING/GROWTH RATIO. 这一项指标可以替代P/E. 如是正数, 越小越好. 与P/E 无异. 但比PE更管用Growth的预测很困难)

12,不同行业gross profit/sales比例不同,也不容易比较。象ebay基本上sales就是gross profit,在电力股里面如果没有energy trading的话可以有10-40%,而trading本身 的profit margin是非常低的,所以gross profit比sales更重要。另外EBITDA也是很重要 的指标。
Friday, March 17, 2006

Sanmina-SCI Corp. (SANM)

The following analysis is an excerpt from LLOYD BARCLAY's website

Sanmina (SANM) is a value stock with a record of healthy growth. It has good contrarian characteristics. And it has established technical support.

At $3.93, Sanmina (SANM) is a growth stock at a value price.


current price/book = 0.88
current price/sales = 0.18
forward price/earnings = 10.1


This is how Sanmina has grown in the last 6 years. Since the year 2000, SANM has increased revenues from $4.2 billion to $11.7 billion. A reasonable debt/equity ratio of 0.68 shows that it has remained profitable while growing.


Also since 2000, its share price has dropped from $53 to as low as $3.45. The price returning to the average of these 2 extremes would increase the price to about $28.50.

Contrarian + Value

SANM has revenues/share of $21.73. At $28.50, it would have a reasonable price/sales ratio of 1.2. At $32.60, it would still have a price/sales ratio of only 1.5. At any rate, $30 seems to be a reasonable price for the stock. It might take 5 or 10 years to get to $30, but that's still an excellent rate of return for patient investors. And strong support at $3.50 is a good technical indicator to show that SANM has bottomed and is likely to get good support in the coming months. With support established, it's likely to attract more value and contrarian investors who, up until now, have been hesitant to catch this "falling knife."

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